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The REST of THIS STORY, the 1930's

To complete our story as well as highlight the majority of the historically significant pieces in this very rare bequest, each item will find a home in the Buggy Museum in Stockholm, SD. The photo below is of a full-length mink stole, the height

of fashion in the late 1920's & early 1930's. Such stoles were made popular in movies by Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis & Greta Garbo.

Our German, now American blacksmith, living & working in the thriving small town of Revillo,

decided to run for the South Dakota State Legislature in 1928 & was elected to four (4) successive two-year terms, serving in the years from 1929 through 1936. The social responsibilities of state legislators, now & most assuredly then as well, were significant - creating the need for his wife to

play her role & look her part. A mink stole would be a confidence builder when confidence was so sorely needed.

It might & should be noted here that this blacksmith served his state during the most trying of times, "The Dirty Thirties". The quality of these bequests, that these pieces were even saved, must have reflected human qualities that the voters in those times must have seen, appreciated & rewarded with their support.

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