In the process of restoring this Canadian & Russian sleigh we recently purchased for eventual displat in the Buggy Museum in Stockholm, SD, the task of trying to properly age the sleigh becomes an issue. We already know that all of the wood used is solid, not plywood, which was invented in 1900. So, that tells us this sleigh was constructed in the late 1800's.
We might have another clue if we could identify the age of the springs used in the seats, neither of which we have ever seen before. These photos are of both sets of springs. Any help identifying these springs will be appreciated.

You stated: " We already know that all of the wood used is solid, not plywood, which was invented in 1900. So, that tells us this sleigh was constructed in the late 1800's.." No, it does not! Were it made with plywood you would know it was build after 1900. It could have been made of solid wood last year or 1804. Just bothered, Friend John Ridge